How to Make the Most out of Your Morning

Everyone is given the same 24 hours per day, but it is up to you to determine how best to utilize those hours. It can be easy to squander away a significant amount of time before you even roll out of bed, but if you can set your alarm an hour or two earlier, skip hitting the snooze button and follow a few simple guidelines, you will  make the most out of your mornings. 

  • Kickstart your morning with a beverage of choice. You may like to start your day with a fresh cup of coffee or tea; while many recommend starting with a cold glass of water, perhaps with a splash of lemon, to rehydrate after a night’s sleep. A nutritious breakfast is also a good idea to fuel your body within the first couple hours after waking.  

Kendrea Kleve
Administrative Assistant

  •  Sitting in silence is a great way to ease into the day with a peaceful, focused mindset.  You may want to practice meditation, recite affirmations or start a gratitude journal.  Some may practice religious/spiritual rituals while others may simply embrace the silence before diving into a busy day.  
  • Getting your body moving will provide health benefits for both your body and your mind.  This can be a full workout routine at home or at a gym, a brisk or leisurely walk by yourself or with a friend, and even just a few sit-ups or jumping jacks to get your blood flowing. Ultimately, it is important to make it a routine that you enjoy and will motivate you to get moving first thing in the morning. It doesn’t have to be elaborate, just do what works for you. It is essential to take a little time for yourself before tackling any other priorities on your to-do list.     
  • Speaking of to-do lists, it is a good idea to make a list each morning (or review the list you wrote at the end of the previous day) to ensure you have a plan for the things you want to accomplish. This will take some of the guesswork and mindless reaction out of your daily routine and help you stay focused.  
  • Set aside an hour or two toward the beginning of your day to tackle a project that you may be dreading or are tempted to put off. Getting it done, or at least started, first thing in the morning will save you time and keep  it from lingering in the back of your mind throughout the day. You may even find that you want to keep going and finish the project once you gain some momentum. Try this approach before you get lost in your email inbox and let other people’s priorities take over your day.

It is amazing how focused and accomplished you can feel when you get started early and make the most out of your mornings!

Check out these upcoming opportunities to learn how to become more productive and organized.

Getting Organized in the Office after COVID-19
Sept. 8, 8-10 a.m.

Getting Organized in the Office
Dec. 14, 8-10 a.m.

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